Highly qualified therapists who are also LGBTQ
Free consultations to personally match you with a therapist
Convenient online sessions or in office in NYC, LA, SF, or D.C.
Let’s face it – no one understands LGBTQ people better than LGBTQ people. And a therapist who “gets” you makes all the difference.
And even better, we eliminate the struggle and frustration of trying to find that “perfect fit” in a therapist.
Research shows that finding the right match is very important to the success of therapy. We get to know you by phone to learn more about your needs and will personally make the match to one of our LGBTQ therapists. You won’t have to deal with waiting lists, sifting through profiles, or matching by algorithms.
Our gay counselors don’t just sit and listen (although we do that very well.)
With our hands on, interactive approach, we help you make the changes in your life and your relationships so that life can be more fulfilling.
Take a look at our 1,000+ testimonials and 100+ videos and blog posts to find out why.
If you’re ready for different, let’s talk.
The Gay Therapy Center exists for the LGBTQ community. Since 2015 we have donated over $100,000 to the Horizons Foundation, the world’s first LGBTQ community foundation.
Pronouns: He, Him
Director and Founder
Gay Therapy Center
License #MFC44892
Call or Text:
415-795-2935 • EMAIL